Tag Archives: email

Your Florida Condominium Board Member Electronic Voting and Communication Policy

The use of email and other forms of electronic communication in the operations of condominium associations continues to be a controversial and confusing topic in Florida. The Florida Statutes are significantly behind the times as it relates to technological advances and, therefore, do not provide any guidance around when, if ever, Board email communication and voting is allowed. Further, these issues have not been sufficiently litigated to have a clear understanding of what Florida courts consider legal behavior.

One the one hand, using no electronic communication in this day and age is completely unreasonable. On the other hand, if a Board chooses to conduct all business electronically, the unit owners are denied their right to be present during Board meetings, which violates the law and leads to unit owner distrust of the Board. Given this, all associations can do is comply with the spirit of the Florida condominium statutes (Chapter 718) and use good judgment when conducting association business via email or other electronic communication. In order to ensure all Board members act consistently, I recommend that each association draft and approve a Board Member Electronic Voting and Communication Policy.

Florida Statute Chapter 718.112(2)(c) is clear that all unit owners have the right to attend any meeting of the Board at which a quorum of the Board is present. This means that any gathering of a quorum of the Board, whether at the standard meeting location, in a Board member’s home, or at a local restaurant, is considered a Board meeting if association-related topics are being discussed. It is a common misconception that in order for a gathering of the Board to be considered an official meeting, the Board has to be voting on something. This is not the case.

There are two notable types of meetings that are not open to unit owners:

1. Meetings between the Board and the association’s attorney to discuss litigation and obtain legal advice

2. Board meetings held for the purpose of discussing personnel matters (e.g., employee issues)

The Statute also states that notice of Board meetings (including date, time and location) along with a meeting agenda must be posted conspicuously around the condominium property at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. This requirement also applies to the two types of meeting mentioned above that are not open to unit owners.

 NOTE: The Statutes are silent regarding where Board meetings may take place. However, the Statutes do specify that the annual meeting must be held within 45 miles of the condominium property so this is a good guideline for all Board meetings.

 Based on the above definition of a Board meeting, an email chain or other form of electronic discussion (e.g., a chat room, web-based conference) where association-related items are being discussed by a quorum of the Board would be considered a Board meeting. Notice for this meeting would have to be posted 48 hours in advance and all unit owners would have the right to attend. As this is impossible in the context of a Board member group email, technically any emails between a quorum of the Board are in violation of the Florida Statutes.

NOTE: In theory, the association could set up some type of web-based conference with a login that all unit owners have. So long as the meeting was properly noticed and all unit owners have access, I believe (though there is no case law to support this that I am aware of) this would comply with the Florida Statutes.

 So, given the rules just discussed, what is a Board to do? My recommendation is to use electronic communication (e.g., email, group texting) but do so in a responsible and considerate way. Remember, Board meeting rules are established to ensure unit owners may remain up-to-date on association issues. Unit owners are only going to become concerned if they feel their rights are being violated and/ or if the Board is acting secretively or unethically. Given this, when considering a Board Member Electronic Voting and Communication Policy, the Board should worry  less about complying with the exact letter of the law and more about ensuring the Board is acting in a way that unit owners would consider appropriate.

NOTE: If a unit owner files a complaint against the association to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) and the DBPR finds the complaint warranted, the association may be fined pursuant to the Florida Administrative Code. Learn more here.

Board Member Electronic Voting and Communication Policy

As association’s policy regarding electronic voting and communication should be reviewed and approved by a quorum of the Board at a properly noticed Board meeting. This gives unit owners the opportunity to provide feedback and helps to protect the Board in the event a unit owner complains about the policy down the road. As I recommend with all policies, the Board should review and re-approve the policy annually (perhaps at the meeting following the annual meeting given the likely presence of new Board members). In my opinion, this policy should include:

1. A requirement that each Board member and the property manager establish an email account for the specific use of association business. The Board member/ property should be required to stop using the account and provide the association access to the account once the Board member/ manager ceases to be involved with the association. Why do this?

  • This requirement can prove to be very useful when a Board member or manager leaves. As association business with attorneys, CPAs, maintenance vendors and unit owners is often conducted via email, losing all of those records can be detrimental to the smooth operations of the association.
  • Depending on the type of communication, these emails may be considered part of the Official Records of the association and, therefore, the association may be required to keep some of them for up to seven years.
  • Knowing that emails may be viewed by future Board members encourages the current Board members/ manager from saying anything via email that they would not want others to read. Comments made via email have hurt associations during litigation when emails were admitted into evidence.

2. A requirement that electronic communications between a quorum of the Board are only to be used as a means to transmit information and not as a discussion forum. For example, a Board member can send an email to the Board providing an update regarding an association project or providing an opinion on an upcoming meeting agenda item (perhaps the Board member won’t be there). These messages should be in FYI format and should not ask the Board to provide feedback. If an informative email from a Board member elicits a back-and-forth discussion, the emails should cease and a Board meeting should be scheduled. There are no restrictions on communications between less than a quorum of the Board.

3. A requirement that no Board voting take place electronically unless there is no other option. For example, the association’s insurance policies are up for renewal in 5 days and the Board’s next meeting is scheduled for tomorrow. At the time of the meeting, the insurance broker was unable to obtain all necessary insurance quotes. Due to scheduling conflicts, a quorum of the Board will not be able to meet again before the policies expire. Once the quotes are received, the Board reviews them and votes via email to renew the current policies.

These types of situations, calling for an electronic vote, arise from time to time and the association’s Board Member Electronic Voting and Communication Policy should outline how to proceed during and after the electronic vote. Here are some general guidelines regarding electronic voting:

1. Robert’s Rules of Order should be followed as best as possible:

  • A Board member should send an email with a motion to the Board
  • Another member should second the motion in an email to the Board and ask “All in Favor?”
  • All Board members should respond to the Board with a “yes” or a “no” vote

2. The vote should be included on the agenda for the next Board meeting and ratified

3. The minutes should provide an explanation as to why the vote was cast via email and a copy of the email chain showing the Board’s vote should be included with the minutes.

NOTE: You may have heard that Boards are allowed to vote via email so long as the vote is unanimous. This relates to non-profit law (Florida Statutes Chapter 617), which allows for voting outside of a Board meeting if all Board members vote unanimously in writing. Whether this Statute allows for written votes via email (as opposed to a signed document) is unclear. Regardless, for condominium associations the Florida Condominium Statutes (Chapter 718) overrule Chapter 617 when there is a conflict and Chapter 718 does not allow Boards to avoid a meeting by voting unanimously in writing.

I hope this overview of electronic Board communication has been helpful. Our management and consulting firm, VERA Property Management, will gladly draft a Board Member Email Voting and Communication Policy for your association. Please contact us today for a quote.

As always, feel free to reach out with questions or comments.


Emily Shaw is a condominium homeowner in Tampa, Florida and a Director of VERA Property Management, a firm providing full-service community association management in the Tampa Bay Area as well as consulting, financial and legal services to all Florida community associations. 

Interviewing a Florida Community Association Management Company: 5 Important but Frequently Overlooked Questions

It is very important for Boards of Directors ask the right questions before hiring a management company for their association. All too often important items are overlooked and Boards are left disappointed when they realize that the services they are receiving fail to meet their expectations. This post will examine 5 important and frequently forgotten questions to ask a prospective management company.

1.     What is the maximum number of properties a Licensed Community Association Manager (LCAM) at your firm will be responsible for? In general, property management is a low profit margin industry and management companies have to manage many properties in order to earn a decent profit. Given this, management companies (and in particular the LCAMs that work for them) are often stretched too thin. With one LCAM managing up to 10 properties at a time, it is not surprising that they cannot keep up with their workload. In the end, it’s the associations that pay the price. In the property management business, firms often define an LCAM’s workload as the number of doors or units (versus properties) that the LCAM manages. This takes into account the fact that the size of properties, and therefore the number of hours dedicated to the property, varies. Of course, a small 20-unit property could be riddled with problems that require the LCAM’s time just as a 200-unit property could be smooth sailing. In general, however, I think this is a reasonable way to measure LCAM workload. I recommend no more than 650 doors under management by any full-time LCAM. If a management company does not have a unit limit per LCAM, this is a big red flag.

 2.     Which LCAM specifically will be assigned to our property? Can we meet him/ her?  Property management proposals, particularly from the larger management companies, tend to speak generally about an LCAM being assigned to the property. The person(s) that meet with the Board to discuss the management proposal are often the company’s owners or an employee specifically hired to meet with potential clients. It is exceptionally important that Boards meet and interview the actual LCAM that will be assigned to the property. I also recommend that Boards negotiate a clause into the management contract that should the specific LCAM leave the firm, the Board has the right to terminate the contract. This will be the person the Board works with on a routine basis and if the LCAM is incompetent, unmotivated, overworked or simply does not “mesh” with the personalities of Board members, the management partnership will likely be unsuccessful. Management companies tend to highlight their expansive accounting teams, their fancy websites and their new technologies when presenting to Boards. But in the end, it is the quality of the LCAM assigned that will determine how well your property is managed. Don’t be shy about asking for a resume of the LCAM to determine what experience he/ she has. It is also wise to find out how far he/ she lives from your property as it is very helpful to have an LCAM that is nearby in the event of an emergency on property.

 3.     Where and how are our official records stored? Are email communications maintained? While the specific items considered Official Records are listed in the Florida Statutes (and discussed here for condominium associations), there is no specifically required method of storage. Records may be stored in hard copy at the manager’s office or with a professional document storage firm; they may be stored in electronic format on a computer or an external hard drive; or they may be stored on a web-based application like an association website. The Board will want to make sure that they (and other homeowners) have easy access to the Official Records (accessible within 1 business day) and that the records are stored in such a way that protects them in the event of fire, hurricane, or other casualty. The other item that the Board should inquire about is association emails (i.e., any email sent or received by the property manager regarding the association). These emails do not necessary constitute Official Records but they do provide important information on past events and can be very helpful to new Board members. Some management firms save these emails and some don’t. Make sure that the manager not only saves all association emails but also has a method in place to provide them to the Board upon request.

4.     Do you have 24-hour emergency response? How does it work in practice? When are managers required to come on-site during an emergency? Most, if not all, management companies have 24-hour emergency response built into their management agreements. However, not all after-hours emergency response programs are created equal. Smaller management companies may provide the manager’s direct phone number to all residents and simply field calls as they come in. Larger management companies generally contract with an emergency answering service. In this scenario, after hours phone calls from residents are answered by a call center attendant who determines if the call is an emergency. Call center attendants generally know little to nothing about the property. From there, the call center attendant attempts to contact the property’s LCAM. This process can be effective if a quality call center is used. For management companies that use a service like this, I recommend the Board research the call center and also determine if there is a cost per call to the call center that will be charged to the association.

Regardless of the type of emergency response program in place, the Board should understand who serves as backup in the event the community’s LCAM is unavailable. How long will residents have to wait for a response from the LCAM until a backup responder is contacted? How does that process work? How many backups are there?

Another issue to consider is whether or not there are any internal policies regarding LCAMs coming to the property during an emergency. One thing that frustrates many Board members is the sense that emergencies are not responded to as effectively as possible. For example, if there is a leak that causes damage to multiple units, would the Board expect the LCAM to come to the property, assist homeowners, meet with restoration vendors and photograph the damage? Or would the Board be content with the LCAM handling the event over the phone? I recommend the Board create several scenarios and ask the management company to walk you through how they would be handled. This will help the Board understand if the manager’s procedures align with their expectations.

5.     Do you offer any non-management services? Certain management companies will offer non-management services (e.g., maintenance, plumbing) at a fixed hourly rate within the management contract. When interviewing a management company that offers bundled services, it is important to find out if it is a requirement that the association use them. The Board should maintain the flexibility to choose their own maintenance man, plumber, etc. It is my belief that bundled services like this are ultimately damaging to associations for the following reasons:

  • Bundled services make terminating a management relationship more difficult as associations would lose key vendors as well.
  • As bundled services are offered at a fixed rate, management companies are incentivized to contract with the least expensive vendor as opposed to the most qualified vendor in an effort to increase their profits.
  • With control of vendor selection shifted from association to manager, competitive bidding is eliminated, leaving associations at risk of paying the management company above market price for these services.
  • As these vendors are representatives of the management company, managers are less likely to be upfront with Boards about issues related to the vendor’s work.

That being said, if the Board is considering using these services, it is important to find out more about the experience of the specific vendors as well as the process the management company uses to find these vendors. Further, it is important that the Board compare the hourly rates provided by the management company with those offered by independent vendors to ensure the Board isn’t paying too much for these services.  Lastly, the Board should consider an agreement with the management company specifying that Board member review and approval of completed work is a prerequisite of payment for these services.

The next blog post will discuss 5 additional questions to ask a potential management company. As always, feel free to reach out with any questions or comments.


Emily Shaw is a condominium homeowner in Tampa, Florida and a Director of VERA Property Management, a full-service community association management and consulting firm serving the Tampa Bay Area.

Save Time and Money using Email to Communicate with Homeowners

For all condominium associations, but especially for self-managed condominiums, any means to save time is essential. If a change in process means you are able to save money too, then it’s a no-brainer. Taking advantage of the Florida Condominium Statutes’ electronic transmission policy does exactly this. In today’s post I am going to outline when associations are allowed to communicate information with residents electronically (i.e. via email) and ways the association can take advantage of this method to save time and money.

Chapter 718 of the Florida Statutes outlines all of the required written communications condominium associations must provide to residents (e.g. annual budget drafts, year-end financial statements, Board election information). In the past, these communications were typically delivered to residents via “snail mail” and, depending on the size of the community, associations were spending hundreds or thousands of dollars per year on paper, printing, envelope and postage costs, not to mention the countless hours of envelope stuffing and label posting involved. Using email can eliminate all of these burdens; however, there is one important step the association must take before shifting to electronic communication.

All association electronic communications must comply with Rule 61b-23.0029 of the Florida Administrative Code. As detailed in the rule, prior to providing communications via email to a homeowner, the homeowner must consent in writing to receive communications electronically. In this day and age, it usually isn’t difficult to encourage residents to agree to receive communications electronically as most prefer this method. The association is required to keep all consents as part of the official records. A simple form with the following language should suffice:

I agree to receive all communications from the Board of Directors of <Name of Condominium Association>, either directly or on behalf of the Association by the current Property Manager, in electronic format utilizing the email address provided below. Communications that are required to be provided in hard copy by Florida Statute will continue to be hand-delivered or sent by mail. 

For those homeowners that have consented to receive communications electronically, the following communications can be sent via email according to the Florida Statutes (718.112):

  1. Notice of any meeting where nonemergency special assessments will be considered
  2. Notice of the Annual Meeting
  3. First and Second Notices of a Board Election
  4. Proposed Annual Budget

Two notable times where the Florida Statutes do not specifically allow email communication are:

  1. Notice for a special budget meeting when the proposed budget is greater than 115% of the previous year’s budget
  2. Year-End Financial Reporting

There is one more important thing to note about electronic communication. Per the Florida Administrative Code, it is the association’s responsibility to shift from electronic communication to traditional mailing if attempts to send a communication via email to a homeowner have failed two consecutive times.

If you haven’t done so in your community already, consider taking advantage of email! Your budget and the environment will thank you.

